What’s The Best Way To Generate Quality Leads

Dave Smith
3 min readApr 17, 2024

Here is the deal

In order to start generating more leads with less time and financial investment, you first must spend time setting up systems and making some changes. What software, what approach, to whom, what is your messaging, how is your inside reality matching up with their outside perception, and on and on …

Your goal is to establish a solid lead tracking and lead management system as well, and make small tweaks to your existing Lead Generation Strategies.

Do you know where your current leads are coming from, or how many you get on a daily, weekly, or by-campaign basis? Are you differentiating? How are you doing that … With your Company’s name and history? How long you’ve been at it? How many awards you have won? Your product’s features?

If I asked you to tell me right now what your top Lead Generation Strategies are, what would you say? (and I hope it’s none of those platitudes and jargon!!!)

How Do You Get Qualified Leads?

The crux of qualified Lead Generation is making decisions based on the market research you completed on your target market (their persona). And that is not only demographically, but psychographically as well (which is totally and completely ignored, and those who do, have no idea how much business and money it costs them) … You basically need to know where to reach your market, and how to speak to them. What they “want” is WAY more important than what they “need” … If anyone tells you otherwise, they are wrong … Sorry …

When you are designing, executing, and making choices about your Lead Generation Strategies, always consider these questions below the image.

Who is my target market?

What keeps them up at night?

How does my target market like to receive info? And where?

What motivates my target market to take action?

How can I tap into that motivation?

Where can I place my Marketing message so my target market will see it?

What can I offer my target market to entice them to purchase from me? And in case you never heard of that from a Marketing Strategist, it’s called your Compelling Offer … And it’s one huge way to differentiate …

Remember, when more leads start flowing through your door, you will need to have the resources and systems in place to give a high level of follow up, customer service and to convert them into loyal customers.

You have put effort into generating these quality and qualified leads, but if you do not have the resources in place to give them the attention required, you will lose them. Whether it is today, this week, or this year …

Here’s a tip:

Find out what they want, and give it to them with extraordinary and exceptional value … Make it extremely hard for them NOT to want to do business with you, and only you …

Do you know how to do that? ARE you doing that?

And hopefully, it has NOTHING to do with you … (If you know what I mean) …

Here’s To Your Success!



Dave Smith

I help Small Business Owners who find themselves struggling, stuck, or not growing as fast as they would like to, understand why that is happening to them …